Tuesday, March 18, 2008


A working definition of romanticism: A valorization of nature over social text, as over the machine; a preference for the experience of the individual over the group; a tone of high seriousness - melancholy being the "sublimest" tone - instead of wit, satire, learnedness; a faith in inspiration and spiritedness instead of reason's logic. (Baker 171)

A procedural example of melodrama: On the day that Dennis Brown's lung collapsed, spring rain was misting down on Kingston. Down at the harbor local cops were intercepting an inbound shipment. For awhile there it was chaos as they handcuffed and then roughed up some sailors. On the day my lung collapses it's not gonna be much different. (Darnielle 381)

On my ipod: something new
On my mind: same old, same old.
On my desk: a paper that's actually going somewhere...

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