Saturday, March 10, 2007

To do this weekend: Redo everything I did last week.... I had a terrible moment today - after hours of photocopying, I finally got home and started rereading earlier sources, and going back over the Franey I stumbled over a key point that I had thought was mine -- an off-hand comment I read months ago, underlined, and apparantly burned into my psyche. I hadn't even realized I'd gotten it from her.

The good news is that the paper's taken a fairly interesting turn, and I may not need the passage after all. This argument about bodies lacking aggressors (industrialization + systemic violence = weirdly passive victims) -- I think there may be something to it. I've spent all week reading about free trade policy, trying to figure out where E.D. Morel diverges from Kingsley and why concessions are different from crown colonies, and what resources were being drawn from what colonies (yes they pay me to do this). I just finished my note cards, and tomorrow I think I can start writing again.

Music on the Ipod: Glenn Gould
In the DVD player: NOTHING! Just books, and more books.
Wishful thinking: Can't wait for April...

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